Domenico Laterza, Marianna Guernieri, Milky Way, Bombay Beach, Caifornia, 2022.
Permanent installation, 45 x 5 meters. Epoxy resin, TechnoGlow phosphorescent powder, ceramic coating.
Milky Way è un’opera permanente
pensata per Bombay Beach e i suoi abitanti. Il progetto nasce dal fascino per
le riparazioni manuali delle strade come metafora di gesto curativo. Riempiendo
le crepe di una strada della cittadina con una resina mista a un pigmento bianco
capace di risplendere in assenza di luce, si genera dalle fratture un’immagine
che richiama la bellezza universale della Via Lattea. Presentata durante la
Bombay Beach Biennale 2022, tra la H street e la 4th street, Milky Way occupa
45 metri di strada pubblica, dove le crepe dell’asfalto sono state
pazientemente pulite e colmate di un materiale che sembrerà perennemente latte
fresco appena versato. Considerando metaforicamente la strada come luogo primario
di espressione e autodeterminazione, il latte, prima forma di nutrimento
dell’uomo, diventa la rappresentazione di un fluido creativo, una sinestesia
capace di connettere lo stupore della visione dell’universo con l’esperienza
estremamente concreta e quotidiana del percorrere una strada. Durante il giorno
la percezione del latte che fluisce nelle fratture genera un potente contrasto.
La bianchezza e morbidezza del liquido nutritivo fa breccia nella durezza
dell’asfalto grigio e polveroso. Di notte l’installazione si trasforma in una
composizione astratta di segni fosforescenti. L’estrema orizzontalità dell’intervento
lo rende nascosto e può essere scoperto solo da chi ci cammina sopra: per
questo motivo l’opera è dedicata soprattutto alle anime più girovaghe e
contemplative che la percorreranno.
Milky Way is a permanent art
intervention for Bombay Beach and its citizens. It comes from the fascination
of handcraft street repairing and the affection for the artistic energy that
inhabits this unique and contradictory Californian place.
during the Bombay Beach Biennale 2022, at the intersection of H street and 4th
street, 45 meters of public road were cleaned and carefully filled with a mixed
material that constantly resembles fresh spilled milk at day, and delivers an
unexpected glow at night. It metaphorically considers the street as a primary
place of self-expression and self-determination, while milk is our first source
of nutrition. When the two combine, they become a representation of creative
fuel. A synesthesia that binds together something as far distant as the Milky
Way up in the sky with something as close and concrete as the streets we walk
on every day. A celebration of the street as an elementary place for
At daytime, the perception
of milk flowing into the cracks generates a powerful sense of contrast: a
pristine white liquid surrounded by rough asphalt, the cleanliness of milk
fighting back dust. At night time it transforms into an abstract composition of
hypnotic signs. By passers are tingled by a subtle white glow emerging from the
underground. An oeuvre that is hidden and can be discovered only by walking on
it, a way finding dedicated to lost wanderlusters and contemplative souls.
Milky Way è un’opera permanente
pensata per Bombay Beach e i suoi abitanti. Il progetto nasce dal fascino per
le riparazioni manuali delle strade come metafora di gesto curativo. Riempiendo
le crepe di una strada della cittadina con una resina mista a un pigmento bianco
capace di risplendere in assenza di luce, si genera dalle fratture un’immagine
che richiama la bellezza universale della Via Lattea. Presentata durante la
Bombay Beach Biennale 2022, tra la H street e la 4th street, Milky Way occupa
45 metri di strada pubblica, dove le crepe dell’asfalto sono state
pazientemente pulite e colmate di un materiale che sembrerà perennemente latte
fresco appena versato. Considerando metaforicamente la strada come luogo primario
di espressione e autodeterminazione, il latte, prima forma di nutrimento
dell’uomo, diventa la rappresentazione di un fluido creativo, una sinestesia
capace di connettere lo stupore della visione dell’universo con l’esperienza
estremamente concreta e quotidiana del percorrere una strada. Durante il giorno
la percezione del latte che fluisce nelle fratture genera un potente contrasto.
La bianchezza e morbidezza del liquido nutritivo fa breccia nella durezza
dell’asfalto grigio e polveroso. Di notte l’installazione si trasforma in una
composizione astratta di segni fosforescenti. L’estrema orizzontalità dell’intervento
lo rende nascosto e può essere scoperto solo da chi ci cammina sopra: per
questo motivo l’opera è dedicata soprattutto alle anime più girovaghe e
contemplative che la percorreranno.
Milky Way is a permanent art
intervention for Bombay Beach and its citizens. It comes from the fascination
of handcraft street repairing and the affection for the artistic energy that
inhabits this unique and contradictory Californian place.
Unveiled during the Bombay Beach Biennale 2022, at the intersection of H street and 4th street, 45 meters of public road were cleaned and carefully filled with a mixed material that constantly resembles fresh spilled milk at day, and delivers an unexpected glow at night. It metaphorically considers the street as a primary place of self-expression and self-determination, while milk is our first source of nutrition. When the two combine, they become a representation of creative fuel. A synesthesia that binds together something as far distant as the Milky Way up in the sky with something as close and concrete as the streets we walk on every day. A celebration of the street as an elementary place for creativity.
At daytime, the perception of milk flowing into the cracks generates a powerful sense of contrast: a pristine white liquid surrounded by rough asphalt, the cleanliness of milk fighting back dust. At night time it transforms into an abstract composition of hypnotic signs. By passers are tingled by a subtle white glow emerging from the underground. An oeuvre that is hidden and can be discovered only by walking on it, a way finding dedicated to lost wanderlusters and contemplative souls.
Unveiled during the Bombay Beach Biennale 2022, at the intersection of H street and 4th street, 45 meters of public road were cleaned and carefully filled with a mixed material that constantly resembles fresh spilled milk at day, and delivers an unexpected glow at night. It metaphorically considers the street as a primary place of self-expression and self-determination, while milk is our first source of nutrition. When the two combine, they become a representation of creative fuel. A synesthesia that binds together something as far distant as the Milky Way up in the sky with something as close and concrete as the streets we walk on every day. A celebration of the street as an elementary place for creativity.
At daytime, the perception of milk flowing into the cracks generates a powerful sense of contrast: a pristine white liquid surrounded by rough asphalt, the cleanliness of milk fighting back dust. At night time it transforms into an abstract composition of hypnotic signs. By passers are tingled by a subtle white glow emerging from the underground. An oeuvre that is hidden and can be discovered only by walking on it, a way finding dedicated to lost wanderlusters and contemplative souls.